People in Asia have used green
tea for thousand years ago. Nowadays, people around the world use green tea
daily as it has enormous health benefits. The health benefits of green tea come
from high amount of mineral and vitamins. Besides, green tea contains rich
sources of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG in green tea has
anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. The herbalist use green tea and
tea extracts to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels and to blockage blood
vessels in the hearts. Many researches have indicated that green tea may have
ability to prevent some types of cancers like skin, colon, prostate and breast
cancer. In this post we will have a closer look at 5 health benefits of green
tea and how to use it effectively.
5 Health Benefits of Green Tea
1. Healthy heart
Green tea and extracts of its
leaves contain rich sources of Flavonoid. Flavonoid in green tea can reduce the
risks of cardiovascular disease, and modify blood lipid levels. Green tea also
helps to regulate carbohydrate and glucose metabolism. It can reduce oxidative
stress and related signaling pathways in blood vessel cells. In fact,
researchers estimate that the rate of heart attack decreases by 11% with
consumption of 3 cups of tea per day.
2. Natural Detox cleanse
Green tea's vitamins and
minerals to nourish your body, reduce stress, skin damage and boost the immune
system. EGCG in green tea can protect our body against cell damage and slow the
aging process. EGCG help to breakdown cellular membranes caused by smoke,
pollution, and viruses. Moreover, the B-complex vitamins in green tea benefits
and alert the central nervous system. This vitamin supports the circulatory
system and aids the absorption of carbohydrates for energy.
3. Green tea and Skin care
Green tea nourishes our skin
with vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B2, Folic acid, vitamin E and many
other minerals. Scientific studies suggested that EGCG in green tea may prevent
the development and growth of skin tumors. As having a cup of green tea you can
supply your skin many essential nutrients.
4. Green tea and Weight loss
The scientist has proved that
green tea can lower total cholesterol and raises HDL ("good")
cholesterol in both animals and people. Green tea stimulates your digestive
system and blocks cholesterol absorption. It helps to remove excess body fat
all while adding essential nutrients for health and energy. In another small
study, the researchers found that green tea can reduce harmful LDL cholesterol
in male smokers.
5. Natural anti-cancer remedy
Many people believe that green
tea can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and protects your digestive system
from esophageal, colon and stomach cancers. With me, I do believe that green
tea can boosts immunity, and its antioxidants fight damaging free radicals in
the body. So what is the evidence of these believe?
Early clinical studies suggest
that the polyphenols in tea, especially green tea, may play an important role
in the prevention of cancer. EGCG in green tea may cause certain types of
cancer cells to die in much the same way that normal cells do. This effect is important
because cancer cells do not die as normal cells but they continue to grow and
Several population-based
clinical studies have shown that both green and black teas may help to protect
against cancer. Cancer rates tend to be low in countries such as Japan where
people regularly consume green tea. But, it is not possible to know for sure
whether green tea actually prevents cancer in people. The researchers did not
be sure the lower cancer rate is a result of drinking green Tea or other
healthy living habits.
As the website
‘‘While the results of laboratory studies have been promising, at this time the
available scientific evidence does not support claims that green tea can help
prevent or treat any specific type of cancer in humans. Purified extracts have
shown some promise in limited areas. Controlled, randomized clinical trials are
needed to learn about the effects of green tea and more about those of its
extracts. Several studies are under way.’’
How much green tea should I drink daily?
The typical amount of green tea consumed varies widely, and it is not
clear how much might be needed for beneficial effects. Two or three cups of green
tea (for a total of 240 – 320 mg polyphenols) are typically taken in Asian
The most common amount of dried green tea for brewing 1 cup of hot water
is 1 to 2 teaspoons. You can find more information about the amount of green
tea and water temperature in my post ‘‘Do and don’t when brewing green tea’’.
If you use the green tea extract product, 100 – 750 mg per day a day of
standardized green tea extract is recommended.
Green tea has been used for thousands of years in Asia with few
dangerous side effects. However, some people may have allergic with green tea.
If you have any reactions with green tea you should stop drinking it.
If you drink a large amount of green tea you can have some problem too. Polyphenols
in green tea can make your body to be harder to absorb certain medicines and
iron supplements. Remember to tell your doctor and pharmacist about any herbs
and supplements you are taking when you are using medicines.
When you drink too much green tea you might have irritability,
nervousness, nausea, and trouble sleeping. Caffeine in green tea acts as a
stimulant, people with irregular heartbeats or who have anxiety attacks should
use it cautiously.
Pregnant women or breast-feeding women should not drink green tea in
large amounts. Caffeine can cross the placenta and affect the fetus and can
also be passed along in breast milk.
People with heart problems or high blood pressure, kidney problems,
liver problems, stomach ulcers, and psychological disorders should not take
green tea. Always check with your health care provider before drinking or
taking green tea.
conclusion, green tea is very powerful herbal drink and you can use it to enhance,
nourish and protect our body. However, if you have any kind of sickness
symptoms or concern about your health you should go to doctor immediately.
Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delaying conventional
medical care for sickness may have serious health consequences.
Latest updated: 22/10/2014
Latest updated: 22/10/2014
Ito en, ‘‘Major component and Healthbenefits of Green Tea’’,, 7th October 7, 2013, ‘‘Green Tea’’,, 2nd
April 2012
ST. Luke’s hospital at the vintage, ‘‘Green Tea’’,, 14th October 2011
Wikipedia, ''Flavonoid'',, web 23th January, 2014
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